Why go on short term trips?
It is a response to the Great Commission given by Jesus.
It is a way to support and bless the leaders and workers in ACFI.
It is a means of seeing how God is at work in missions and to see if God is calling me to deeper involvement.
It can help me become sensitive to the needs of people in cultures different than my own.
It expands my world view.
Things to think about before the trip.
What is my purpose for this trip? (Personal growth, new awareness, what can I give, etc?)
Am I going as a servant or do I expect to be served?
Am I willing to see cultural differences without judgmental attitudes?
Will I be content with living accommodations provided by ACFI (food, sleeping arrangements, transportation) that are different than my own?
Pray for grace to be able to speak clearly and hear accurately while with people whose accent is different.
In preparation for the trip, contact ACFI to ensure that your visit is at a convenient time.
Be sure you have a passport valid for at least 6 months following your visit. (Carry photocopies of all documents)
Arrange to have a World Health Card noting a current Yellow Fever immunization.
Apply for a Liberian visa by getting the necessary forms online at either the Washington, D. C. or Atlanta Liberian consulate. Make this application well in advance of your travel date.
Inform ACFI of your flight arrival date and time.
On arrival, you will be met by a representative of ACFI who will assist you for transportation to the guest house.
As it costs ACFI to accommodate guests with food, lodging, transportation etc. it is recommended that you have $50.00 per day person to make available to ACFI on arrival to cover these costs.
If you are spending your time in Monrovia, your accommodations will be at either the Guest House or at the Hoover Children’s Village on the outskirts of Monrovia. Nutritious, good food is prepared by ACFI cooks
If you are travelling out of Monrovia, it would be helpful to have your personal water purification equipment that can be purchased in any outdoor or sports store.
If you would want to give anything to individuals you meet while in Liberia, it is important that you do so through the main ACFI leader to avoid any complications or misunderstandings.
Items to consider while packing: toiletries, soap, towels, bug repellant, flashlight, skirts and dresses recommended for women, light weight clothing that washes easily.
Carry U.S. cash for use in Liberia. Do not expect to use debit cards or have access to ATM.
If you travel outside Monrovia, do not expect that electricity will be available.
You may need to reconfirm your return flight arrangements with the airline before your departure from Monrovia.