daniel Hoover
mission boarding school
March, 2022 update--
We are saddened to announce the passing of Mary Ellen Hoover. Hfer las days were peaceful, and several of her children were with her at the time of her passing. There was also a lovely nurse from Liberia attending her! Her adopted granddaughter Angel
In 1998, Daniel and Mary Ellen Hoover joined a short term mission to Liberia; their hearts were filled with compassion when they saw the needs of the children. They began collecting relief goods in their home state of Pennsylvania, filling large shipping containers, and sent thousands of dollars worth of food, medicines, and clothing for well over a decade. Their generosity also included building projects and repairs, as well as a windmill to provide water for the children at the village.
The Village Mission School is locally staffed by teachers, cooks and caregivers, and managed by Principal Isaac Dardoe. The children receive schooling and Godly upbringing, with a view to giving them life skills and hope for the future.
Our sponsorship program is conducted by Christian Adoption Services,
from two locations:
**624-100 Matthews-Mint Hill Road, Matthews, NC 28105 (704)847.0038
**154 N. Winstead Avenue, Rocky Mount, NC 27804 (252)937.6560
"CAS is so proud to be a partner with African Christians Fellowship International supporting over 250 children in two schools in Monrovia, Liberia. In 2016 with your help, we were able to send over $75,000.00 to support these children."

Our young students


House Mother and her young charges

Children at Daniel Hoover Village