evangelism & church planting
The majority of the rural population of Liberia lives in abject poverty without the Gospel. False cults, Islam and various forms of paganism and idolatry dominate the rural culture. God has given ACFI the vision and mandate to launch evangelism and discipleship training in these villages.
In 1999, Rev. T. Edward Kofi, Founder of ACFI, launched what is known as National Gospel Outreach (NaGO), encouraging local pastors from all different denominations to band together and commit to carrying the Gospel to their fellowman. This outreach has resulted in hundreds of people from all different tribes to hear the Gospel and respond to the love of God. This is done in various ways...through preaching and teaching, as well as showing the "Jesus Film".
In 2015, Samaritan Shoes donated a shipping container of shoes to be given to anyone who needed them. During 2015 and '16 teams took the shoes to villages, washing the feet of people in need and then donating a pair of shoes to each person. During this time, 30,000 pairs of shoes were distributed through the ministry of feet washing as part of the outreach program.
Churches are spontaneously born when whole villages come to know Jesus. In 2017, six new churches were planted in Lofa, Sinoe, Bomi and River Gee Counties. There were 385 new converts and 210 were baptized.
Because of the difficulty of travel, it has been hard for pastors to visit their churches and keep in touch with each other for encouragement. At the 2017 ACFI Church Conference, six motor bikes were given to six of those rural pastors. The cost for one motor bike is $1,000; you can donate here for this project.